The Best Websites and Apps for Planning Your Wedding

Best website and app to plan wedding - Pelazzio

Planning a wedding can be a lot of fun, but it does take up a good amount of your time. If you felt pressured by your schedule before you got engaged, you’re likely feeling somewhat challenged at the moment. It’s perfectly understandable considering the circumstances.

Don’t worry! We’ve got a solution for you that saves time, keeps you organized, and even takes care of some of the simpler tasks for you. First is choosing an all-inclusive wedding venue or Entering the world of wedding planning websites and apps. Both offer you a convenient and streamlined way of keeping track of your wedding day obligations and checklists.

Wedding Websites and Apps That Help with the Planning Process

Some of the best websites and apps for planning your wedding include:

  • Trello

    It serves as a planner and pinboard like Pinterest in one. You can create different cards in columns for the tasks needing completion. As you finish them, you drag and drop them. One of the great things about the website is that you’re able to add photos, notes, and even color-code to-dos.

  • WeddingHappy

    A stand-in wedding planner, this app keeps you on top of all the essential to-dos on your list by setting you up with tasks and reminding you to do them as time passes. Best of all, you’re able to share the details with a relative, friend, or your soon-to-be spouse. That way, they see what you’ve accomplished concerning the wedding, too.

  • Postable

    Take care of the thank you notes you’ve meant to send to your bridal shower and wedding guests with greater ease. The website creates a handwritten card for each person you put on a list, addresses, and mails it to them for one flat fee. It’s something that saves you time after the big day but remains useful long after you’ve said, “I do!”.

  • Uber Events

    Arrange transportation for your guests with Uber’s special event offering. The company issues a personal code to you that you use to make travel arrangements for your wedding day. You have control over how people get from Point A to Point B.

Give the sites and apps listed here a test drive to find the ones that work best for you. In a matter of no time at all, you’ll be planning like a pro and freeing up valuable time in your schedule. If you knew nothing about Trello, WeddingHappy, Postable, and Uber Events in the past, you’d be glad to learn about them now. It’s far easier to get things done when you have simple solutions available at your fingertips.

Make It a Day to Remember With Less Stress and Better Organization

Plan your wedding with greater ease thanks to the websites and apps listed above. They take the guesswork of refining details and give you plenty of options to have fun and be creative. If you haven’t thought about using a website or app to help plan your wedding, why not? Technology makes fast work out something as detail-oriented as planning a ceremony and reception. You’ll then be able to turn your attention to other important things concerning your life together as a married couple.

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